Smart Box Analogue Sensor Types

Smart Box Analogue Sensor Types

Based on the responses from the “ReadSensorTable” command in my Economatics Smart Box SB-04, I’ve concluded that the following official sensor exist :

3Temp range 1TmpTempdegC
4Voltage range 1VVoltsmV
5Temp range 2TmpTempdegC
6Voltage range 2VVoltsvolts
7Temp range 3TmpTempdegC
8Voltage range 3VVoltsvolts
9Temp range 4TmpTempdegC
10Sound (standard)SndSound?
17Light (standard)LtLight?
22Sound range 1SndSounddbA
23Light range 1LtLightLux
24Sound range 2SndSounddbA
25Light range 2LtLightLux
26Barometric PressureAtmAtmosmBars
27Light range 3LtLightLux
28User adaptorUAUser?
290-1 Volt adapatorVAdapt?
30Temp (low range)TmpTempdegC
31Light gateLGLGate?
33Temp (standard)TmpTempdegC

There is more data being fed back by the box regarding these sensor types, but it is a little bit of a pig to understand as my terminal is reading it as escape characters. I suspect it would be easier to understand if I had some official sensors myself. I suspect that some experimentation is in order! I’ll connect a variable voltage to the detection pin and watch what sensor types the box detects at each voltage. With an ADC connected to my computer I might be able to automate the process… but that is probably more effort than it is worth.