Writing your own Windows Application for Control ?
This DLL will allow you to interface to any Deltronics serial interface (Control It Plus, Serial Interface (including COMMOTION) Junior Serial Interface, Serial Adapter and Digital Serial Adapter)
Download, Unzip and view the ReadMe file for info.
WinZip file (63K) Download now
Want to work at the serial port level ?
These specifications detail the commands and responses for communicating with the above interfaces over the serial port.
Control It Plus Specification Issue 1 Download now
Serial Interface Specification Issue 3 (for all other interfaces) Download now
Pin Configurations
Pin configurations for analogue inputs and Timing (A and B) inputs.
These are the same on all Deltronics interfaces that have Analogue inputs or Timing (A and B) inputs
Information on the ID31 Stepper Motor and how to connect and program stepper motors using Deltronics Interfaces.
(128K pdf file) Download now